About the Fundation

REFFORM Foundation For Health Promotion, Social Ties Building and Counteracting Exclusions & Discrimination has been established by Robert Strzelecki, the Founder, on the basis of the notarial deed in the Notarial Office in Warsaw (Register no. A 1204/2016). The foundation acts on the basis of the Act of 6 April 1984 on foundations (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 40).

It is a Non-Governmental Organization acting in the public benefit sphere on the basis of and under the applicable rules of law. Its seat is located in Capital City – Warsaw, and its business activities are undertaken throughout Poland and abroad.

The organization is supervised by the minister responsible for social care as well as The Warsaw’s City Mayor. The foundation’s authorities are the Management Board, Chapter with Audit Committee.

National Court Register: 0000664481
Tax Identification Number (VAT): 1132931090
National Registry Business Number: 366605863

Bank Account No.: PL23 1140 2004 0000 3602 7671 2428

The Management Board:

Robert Strzelecki – Founder & President
Marcin Fröhlich – Vice-President

The Chapter

Przemysław Starosta – Chairman
Cezary Stawecki – Secretary
Kamil Podogrocki – Member

The Audit Committee

Marcin Zamorowski – Chairman of Audit Committee
Szymon Kiełpiński – Vice-Chairman of Audit Committee
Rafał Nowak – Secretary of Audit Committee

Fields of operation:

  • As part of Promoting Health, the Foundation will do the following:
  1. Take health promotion actions, including safe sexual behaviors during socializing meetings of various groups of people.
  2. Finance the purchase of means protecting against sexually transmitted diseases and distribute them during socializing meetings.
  3. Organize and Co-organize health-related workshops.

  • With Building Social Ties in mind, the Foundation will do the following:
  1. Support actions taken by other organizations aiming to integrate generations.
  2. Organize and conduct encounters promoting respect for such values as equality and tolerance.
  3. Develop the support plan for the sick and the needy for the years 2020-2022.

  • As part of Counteracting Exclusions and Discrimination, the Foundation will do the following:
  1. Collect money to support the excluded persons and help them purchase necessary equipment for their flats or diagnostic and rehabilitation equipment.
  2. Support other organizations which propagate anti-discrimination law.
  3. Conduct workshops related to discrimination.
  4. Partake as a Court Watch observer.

The Foundation runs the following projects:

  1. The Maciej Chojnacki Nest Program – with total 25 persons being registered to the Program (as of 27 Feb 2020). Three of them receive our assistance on a daily basis, one additional receives legal advice due to stalking he experiences. The Programs helps find one’s way to live freely, to feel the someone cares and to be able to live the life one wants to.
  2. Na Zdrowie! Program – we organize and fund the events where health is the main topic. We provide participants with free condoms and lubricants, offer testing for glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and HIV/HPV/HCV. We pay to the doctors and nurses to carry out workshops and do the testing.
  3. Know Risk – Know Fun Program – / in preparation /
  4. You must know this! Program – six educational printed materials about HIV, PrEP, Chemsex, Drug addiction, Poppers, STI/STD
  5. Multi Fetish Elections – yearly event for MFP Group in Poland, socializing gathering with elections of Mister Rubber Poland and Mister Leather Poland
  6. Volunteering – for those who want help us in promotion our goals and who want to support the Foundation


According to the article 888 of the civil code, donation is a form of agreement under which the donator undertakes to act to the benefit of the donee for free, and use its own funds for this purpose. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that donation occurs when we share our property, that is share our own money or provide our equipment.

The basic features of the donation are (stipulated in the act on personal income tax) as follows:

  • Possibility of making a donation to the organization acting for the social purposes specified in the act,
  • Donation making process occurs in the tax year in which we settle accounts,
  • Possibility of reducing the tax base by the value of the donation,
  • Obligation to report donations received, if they served as a basis for donators’ tax deduction.

Donators can be natural persons and legal persons (enterprises, companies, etc.). Associations and foundations receive commitments from both. As legal persons, they can also make a donation for another organization.

A donator who provides cash and wishes to make use of the tax deduction is only required to provide the bank transfer proof which confirms the donation has been made.

Donations can be made to our main bank account:

or click on PayPal „Donate” below [in EURO]: